Monday, February 17, 2020

Destructive Leadership in the Military - Chapter 3 Dissertation

Destructive Leadership in the Military - Chapter 3 - Dissertation Example A valid informed consent is also a requirement by federal regulation, which identifies the eight basic disclosure elements. According to the National Archives and Records Administration (2012), a statement of the contents of the research, its purpose, the expected length of participation, was clearly explained to the potential participants. The informed consent will be given to participants prior to the start of the research. The informed consent will concentrate on the ethical and legal framework of the research. First, a brief will be conducted with the participants to provide essential information about the research. The participants will be provided an opportunity to ask questions which will be answered correctly and broadly. When all participants are thoroughly briefed and have a clear understanding of the study, they will each receive a copy of the informed consent to sign as evidence. A copy of the form will be retained by the researcher, and the other copy given to the respon dent. If any new information arises as the research progress, the participants will be informed The respondents will also be made aware they can withdraw from the research any time before the final dissertation is written. By providing substantial background information, and enumerating the rights of the participants, voluntary, and signed consent of the participants will be obtained. ... Confidentiality The confidentiality of the participants will be of paramount importance, especially in the current case in which the respondents are active members of the Marine Corps and may be working under the very senior enlisted Marines about whom they have provided the information. The following measures will be taken to ensure the protection of respondents. First, the research will ensure that respondents’ names and any other identifying characteristics will not be mentioned in the dissertation, and the collected data will be used only for developing the research analysis. Furthermore, interviews and interviewees will be identified by a generic code and all information that relates to the interviewee will be kept in a secure location for a three-year period from the completion of the study, after which all information and data will be destroyed. A code will be given to all participants who have signed the informed consent. Each participant will be given a code, example (MIL 001) for the first participant up to (MIL 00n) for the nth participant. The participants will be required to identify themselves using the assigned code for every interview or questionnaire administered to them. Once the data collection process begins, participants will not be addressed by name, but by their assigned code, which they will receive prior to the interview process. The participants will not write their names on the interview or questionnaires, and any data that contain the participant’s name will be invalid and destroyed immediately. The confidentiality of the participants is the respondents are active members of the Marine Corps and may be working under the senior enlisted Marine whom they have provided the informationof great importance because it protects them from

Monday, February 3, 2020

Pharmacology Population Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pharmacology Population - Assignment Example In a study by Bartelink, Rademaker, Schobben, et al. (2006), population pk was found to be a very important approach through which not just pharmacokinetic information is obtained from sparse data sets but also pharmacodynamic information obtained from this same sparse data set. Leeder (2004) also observed that there stages in the drug development process where the very large population may be needed but with only a few observations per patient so as to determine the exact and unique differences with drug behavior in each patient based on special characteristics. To achieve this, population pk is employed or used to obtain information at both the phase II and phase III clinical trials among patients. It is not surprising that Ernest, Elder, Martini, et al. (2007) identified population pk as a practice associated with several pharmaceutical companies in the course of their drug development process. Certainly, population pk comes as a single most reliable mechanism by which dosage dete rmination to drugs can be done due to the size of the population used in the sparse data sets, each of whom is observed for very specific outcomes based on their demographic and pathophysiology characteristics. Also writing on the contribution of population pk to drug development, Roosmarijn et al. (2011) found that there are instances when intensive blood sampling can be attained. Meanwhile, Hsieh and Korfmacher (2006) noted that where intensive blood sampling is possible, there is the benefit of replicating the outcomes with particular blood samples for a larger population size. This means that where intensive blood sampling is not possible an alternative is needed to ensure that almost all populations are catered for. Typical situations in drug development where intensive blood sampling has not been attainable include drug development processes for children, cancer, and AIDS.