Monday, October 21, 2019
Change Someones Life for the Better Essays
Change Someones Life for the Better Essays Change Someones Life for the Better Essay Change Someones Life for the Better Essay I can change someones life for the better by simply discussing the awareness of cancer. Cancer is the number two most threatening disease that is killing our people. It is very important for our people to know this disease and come up with a resolution on defeating this disease once and for all. There has to be a cure on cancer. The more we know the more greater chance that there is a cure. In the U. S. National Cancer institutes Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database for 2006 said that the estimates show in all invasive cancer the total of 11,0280. 00 ;for males it show the amount of 5,116,000 and for females 5,912,000. Many people need to understand that it is affecting us as humans. Also I came across the Global Cancer Facts and Figures on cancer. org and according to american cancer society that about 7. 5million died from cancer. On the site it shows you maps of different parts of the countries Africa, Europe, Asia, Polynesia, Micronesi a, Melanesia, Australia, South and North and Central America. The table of charts of men and women and overall new cancer cases and deaths of 2007 showed more hundred thousands. Whether if cancer is affecting you or loved one , friends, family , etc. Cancer does not discriminate it can kill any ethnicity black, white, hispanic, asian , etc. This is a long war with cancer and modern medicine has little affect on it. Myself personally did not know too much about cancer. Unfortunately, I had a rude wakening when my sister was first diagnose with stage 4 cervical cancer. It was too late to do really anything she took her chemotherapy and radiation like she was advised too by her doctor. I try to stay optimistic and told her and my family that chemotherapy and radiation will work and that everything would be fine. Unfortunately, the cancer didnt regress and she died at age 29. My family and I didnt understand how could this happen, what is the cause of this. I am the only one in family that is a natural born citizen in America . My family wanted me to explain to them what this cancer is and I didnt know what it was. The only thing I knew was that it kills you once you have it. Shortly after, my sister death we were all still mourning over the loss in our family; then my mom found out that she too had this deadly disease. Unfortunately, she also was first iagnose with stage 4 cancer adenocarcinoma. I research what it was in wikiepedia and it states Adenocarcinoma is a cancer of epithelia originating in glandular tissue. Epithelial tissue includes, but is not limited to, the surface layer of skin, glands and a variety of other tissue that lines the cavities and organs of the body. My own definition is that adenocarcinoma is cancer in your major primary organs your brain, lungs, liver , etc. No primary source that can be identified so then how can you treat the cancer. We tried radiation for the brain and as soon as she was done with her last dosage of radiation. My mom was sent home and she died 2 days after christmas of last year. It is extremely hard for me because I didnt know what to say or do. I just couldnt explain what was happening. That is the reason for keeping the public aware of this killer disease. Todays media advertise mostly sex, products, addictive legal drug and little on cancer. Why is that? Why not more on the number two most killers disease cancer. There are many different types of cancer but, out of all primarily lung cancer is the leading one. Then there is oral cancer which is leading 3 times most then breast and ovarian cancer cases. Why is this not important? Is it something that were eating or is it something that were lacking. Is it something that where inhaling in the air that is polluted or is it just the lack of pure oxygen. The public needs to be aware of this on going battle of Cancer. The more people know the more greater chance we will have to defeat this cancer. cancer. gov/
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